Gdansk Shipyard SA, Danzig, Poland
Shipbuilders with a long tradition

The tradition-steeped Gdansk (pronounced Ge'daensk) Shipyard counts flexibility and versatility among its strengths. It demands both from its workforce and their tools. The shipyard relies on welding torches from ABICOR BINZEL to helps their welders get the job done optimally.
A shipyard rich in history
Ships have been built in the Gdansk Shipyard for over 170 years. It was established in 1844 as an imperial shipyard. In 1980, Lech Walesa, a shipyard worker, founded the Solidarity (Solidarnosc) trade union during a strike there. Later on, he was the first democratically elected president of Poland.
Today, along with ships, the shipyard also makes steel constructions for the offshore sector and wind turbines. The production center is production shop K1, Europe's largest industrial hall, with an area of nearly 700,000 square feet. The company relies above all on two things for its production: excellent training of its workforce in its own training workshop for welders, and the latest technical equipment, among others with welding technology from ABICOR BINZEL.

Ergonomics and service for more quality
Since 2012 the shipyard has been working completely with the ABIMIG AT MIG guns. Its 360 degree rotating neck, robust neck construction, long service life of wearing parts, and the wide range of torch necks with different lengths and angles make work easier for welders and increase quality. The ergonomic handle and the cable assembly, which is 30% lighter, also relieves the load on welders noticeably.
The shipyard works closely with ABICOR BINZEL in the training and continuing education of its welders. The highly experienced and knowledgeable field staff of ABICOR BINZEL carry out practical training sessions in the shipyard's own training center and are always receptive for questions and suggestions from welders – cooperation that prevents faults and optimizes product quality.
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