CRIST Offshore, Gdynia, Poland
The specialist for offshore constructions and platforms

The CRIST shipyard in Gdynia has the longest dry-dock in Poland and specializes in building giant constructions and ships for offshoring. About 150 people work in the shipyard's offshore sector. The company has relied on ABICOR BINZEL's flexible welding guns for many years.
Reliability and quality in large dimensions
Practically everything that is manufactured in the over 1200 foot long dry-dock in the CRIST shipyard is huge. Examples of this are the pipelaying vessel "Ceona Amazon", or the "Jack-up" and "Innovation", which are installation vessels for the construction of offshore wind parks – all three vessels are over 325 feet long.
In these gigantic construction projects the welding seams are immensely long as well, but still have to be perfect to meet the high safety and quality standards. For this reason, the shipyard tests all seams and documents the data for at least five years. In order to guarantee quality and reliability, CRIST Offshore attaches great significance to their choice of welding torches and to training and further training of the around 50 welders.

Economic efficiency through flexibility
CRIST Offshore uses the air-cooled ABIMIG AT MIG guns. The flexible applications, the light weight of the torches and their high cost-effectiveness were decisive here. What is also important for the facility is customizing the torches on site to suit each welding job in the shortest time. The AT gets the job done thanks to the threaded, quick-change torch necks. This means there is no need to go to the maintenance department. In addition, the various possible combinations of flexible or rigid torch necks in different lengths and angles provide optimum accessibility - even in out-of-position welding.
Along with the high quality of welding torches, CRIST also appreciates the service: the competent field service staff from ABICOR BINZEL are available whenver needed to assist the shipyard at any time with advice and help; for example, in the development of special solutions for the particular demands of shipbuilding, as well as with training units for welders.
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