Robotic Welding Peripherals

Torch Exchange Station TES
Modular torch neck exchange system for ROBO and ABITIG® WH torches. Robot-activated neck exchanges make for a flexible system that features an integrated cut of the welding wire during neck changes.
See TES 

Swanneck Alignment and Test Jig
Effective and cost-friendly tool for checking and re-adjusting the neck bend for ABICOR BINZEL robotic torch necks outside the welding cell. Guiding body allows for easy geometry check on torch necks.
See Alignment Jigs 

CAT3 PRO Robot Collision Mount
The new generation of torch mounts - the CAT3 PRO provides even more stability and robustness compared to its predecessors. In the event of a collision, the CAT3 PRO ensures a reliable shutdown of the welding robot and thus prevents costly damage to the robot and equipment.

iCAT Through-arm Robot Collision Mount
Robot collision mount for through-arm ABICOR BINZEL robotic MIG guns. Mechanical crash deflection by up to 10° in the event of a crash between torch and workpiece. Extremely torsion-resistant and reproducible.
See iCAT 

iSTM Through-arm Robot Solid Mount
Solid mount for through-arm style welding robots that feature an integrated collision control. Use with ABIROB® or ROBO WH robotic MIG guns. Extremely torsion resistant cable assembly with optimal weld accessibility.
See iSTM 

Wire Cutting Station WCS
Extremely robust build that utilizes a clamp and shear welding wire up to 1/8" while providing superior arc start characteristics. Able to perform up to 20,000 cuts without signs of wear. Integrates to all TCS stations.