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Bronpi Calefacción, Lucena, Spain
100% tightness for comfortable warmth
Bronpi Calefacción, based in Lucena, southern Spain, develops and manufactures high-quality fire places, wood burning stoves and pellet heating systems. The company was founded in 1985 and has over 200 employees. Along with Spain, the main sales markets are above all England and other European countries. Bronpi relies completely on ABICOR BINZEL products for welding technology.Show Reference 

Gosan S.A., Bilbao, Spain
Gosan products lift the world
Since 1971 Gosan has supplied mechanical components for lifting, conveying and storage systems all over the world. The market leader focusses on customised welded sheaves for lifting heavy loads. To ensure that all quality and safety requirements are fulfilled, Gosan uses technology from ABICOR BINZEL for automated and hand welding work.Show Reference 

Stahl Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG, Perkam, Germany
Reliable series production of hydraulic tanks
Stahl Maschinenbau in Perkam, Bavaria, specialises in the development and production of hydraulic and diesel tanks for construction machines, cranes and industrial lifts. The company meets the high standards for quality and series production among other things through the use of robot welding technology from ABICOR BINZEL.Show Reference 

WP Performance Systems, Munderfing, Austria
World-class welding
WP Performance Systems has already won over 300 world championships. Because in motorcycle racing there's hardly a single professional who does not use frames from the Austrian manufacturer. High-end chassis from WP are regularly found among the leaders both off-road and in road races. One reason: their high quality, which is enabled as well with the help of ABICOR BINZEL welding technology.Show Reference