Kranbau Köthen GmbH in Köthen, Germany
We take a load off you

Kranbau Köthen GmbH develops and manufactures individual special, process and automatic cranes. The company was founded in 1934, has around 250 employees and supplies customers all over the world. As a long-term industrial user, Kranbau Köthen also supports ABICOR BINZEL in developing and testing new products and technologies.

Safety, quality, delivery reliability
Standards in crane construction are high. Gigantic crane systems with a working volume between 10,000 and 30,000 hours lift loads of up to 600 tonnes. Each weld must sit exactly and withstand extreme loads permanently.
At present, Kranbau Köthen has 17 permanently employed welders. In addition, up to 25 temporary workers support the team as required. Production takes place in three shifts in production shops that are over 20 metres high. All welders are trained regularly and therefore conform to the state of the art at all times.
Welding technology from the market leader
Kranbau Köthen has relied on welding technology from ABICOR BINZEL for over 20 years. In view of the complex and varied tasks in crane construction performance, reliability and flexibility are important criteria when choosing welding torches. It must be possible to change the torch necks quickly, and torches must work safely in out-of-position welding as well.
Kranbau Köthen mainly uses flexible torch systems. Each welder has his own torch with four different torch necks with him at all times and can therefore carry out nearly all welding tasks without any problems. The standard torch that is used is the air-cooled ABIMIG® A T LW with a replaceable swan neck, a particularly lightweight cable assembly and an integrated ball joint at the handle. This is particularly suitable for welding in constricted areas and is therefore ideal for Kranbau Köthen.
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