Emerging Applications

Implementing megatrends – use innovative joining techniques

Many technological developments have an effect on joining technology. Generative or additive manufacturing processes with metallic components require the use of special welding equipment. The production of memories for electric vehicles necessitates special laser and special joining procedures in micro and macro areas. ABICOR BINZEL offers suitable solutions for partially mechanised and automated production with innovative joining techniques, conventional steels and various special materials.
New procedures, new dimensions, new solutions
Aviation components, tools and tool inserts or special components for gears and pumps: Additive manufacturing processes are used more and more frequently, which create the components layer-by-layer and with high precision directly from the design data. This opens up entirely new possibilities for the manufacturing technology in both product as well as tool manufacturing. Instead of working conventionally with costly erosion procedures, tools are simply undercut. In aviation engineering, complex machining work on the semi-finished product becomes redundant and post-processing is reduced to a minimum.
However, new procedures are also required in the production of battery casings for electric vehicles. Batteries must be contacted and live wires connected. At the same time, stable designs must ensure crash safety. This takes place by means of innovative and high-precision joining procedures in the macro and micro range. In addition to ultrasonic welding and bonding, procedures for laser or microplasma welding with supplementary wire are also used.
High-performance robot welding and high-precision joining
High order rates and long welding times are required for additive production. ABICOR BINZEL offers a wide range of solutions for robot welding with different welding procedures. These include the MIG/MAG welding torch system ABIROB® in the highest available standards and with additional hot wire, the high-performance torch system TANDEM as well as the TIG welding torch system ABITIG® WH with hot wire. In addition, suitable laser welding optics are available, which are integrated into the complex systems. The wire feeding can be carried out by a high-precision MFS wire feed system.
ABICOR BINZEL offers special laser welding optics for the exact automated welding of battery boxes for electric vehicles. For the contacting and welding of live metals, microplasma welding solutions such as the extremely compact plasma welding torch ABIPLAS® WELD 100 MT are available. Here, too, the supplementary wire can be fed very precisely with the MFS wire feeding system.